Thursday, July 16, 2009


I guess I'm no better at blogging than I am at keeping a journal! A lot has happened since my last entry.

Craig attended the funeral for Kathryn Nelson, the infant daughter of our niece Paula (Romney) and her husband Mike Nelson in Denver. It was a sad occasion but nice that Craig could spend a little time with his siblings. (see picture).

Craig and I spent the 4th of July in St. George where we met Bill and Joanne Spelts at the Tuachan theater and saw "Footloose." It was a great show and a fun trip. We even found a nice hotel there that lets you have pets, so we took Lizzy along. She did great!

I am currently enjoying two weeks of paid vacation as I have accepted the job as the high school teacher at the prison starting in August. Since teachers don't get paid vacation, I have to use up what I have earned from my previous position. I am going back the last week of July, however, to hopefully train my replacement before starting my teaching position August 3rd.

Last Saturday we cut down the big cottonwood tree in our backyard. It had gotten way too big for our backyard and we were tired of raking up all the leaves in the fall. It also kept us from growing a garden (no sun). We were afraid if it ever got hit by lightening and part of it fell, it would wipe out several neighbors fences including our own. We have a neighbor who does that on the side and he got a lot of volunteer labor from the ward--it was quite a production!

We are anxiously awaiting a visit from Jason's family next week. It has been almost four years since they were here, so we are very excited to have them and are planning some fun activities. I anticipate that my next blog will be all about their visit.

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