Monday, October 12, 2009

Martin's Cove

General Conference weekend Craig and I traveled to Wyoming. We spent Friday night in Rawlins and then Saturday morning we drove to Martin's Cove, about an hour away and in the middle of nowhere. There is a visitor's center there and the film they show is about Craig's ancestors, the McBrides, who were in the Martin Company. I also had ancestors from my mother's side in the Martin Company, John E. Bitton, his sister Jane and his wife Sarah. We got copies of stories on each ancestor and then we rode up to the cove with one of the missionaires in what they call "a rover." She told us great stories on the ride up and then we spent a little time in the cove taking pictures before hiking down. It was a beautiful clear and sunny day with no wind. Just cool enough to need a jacket. It was a good experience and we're really glad we went. It certainly renewed our appreciation for the sacrifices of those who came before us. Sunday morning we woke up to snow so we quickly packed up and headed home.

This week I am off work for fall break so today I am taking Nanny to Idaho Falls for a visit. We will stay with her friend Irene and come back on Wednesday. I haven't been to Idaho Falls for a long time so I'm looking forward to it.

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