Tuesday, March 29, 2016

What Matters Most

Last Friday I received a text message from Innocent saying that he has a family emergency in Africa and really needed to talk to me.

I was driving on my way to work when I got the text and immediately called him.  I could tell something was wrong but I had no idea what he was about to tell me.  He asked if I could come and spend sometime with him.  I had things at work I needed to get to but immediately a calm feeling came over me to not worry about that and go see Innocent.

Innocent is usually so happy and smiling each time I am with him.  With tears running down his face he told me that his 18 year old daughter tried to commit suicide the day before and is in the hospital.  He further told me that this was not the first time.  She had tried once before a few weeks ago but was not serious.

He then told me that he needed to go home and protect his family.  He could not stay in America any longer.  He said his family is broken and he needs to be there to bring them back together.  Innocent has been gone from his family for close to 6 six years; 4 years of running, imprisonment, and torture and 1.5 years in America.

In previous discussions Innocent has stated that going back to Congo would not be possible because he would be tracked and most likely killed.  His family is in Rwanda and he feels he can be safe there.

As the conversation went on I could tell that leaving was what would be best for him and his family.  I began to ask myself how can we make this happen?  Innocent does not have the resources to get himself back to Africa.  The only money he has to his name is $400.00.  It would take close to $1200.00 for a one way ticket.  Further more he wanted to leave ASAP.  I told Innocent I would call Bishop Kruger and let him know since he was his Bishop.  Bishop Kruger was surprised as I was but felt this would be best for him as well.  We talked about how we could financially make this work.  He said he would talk with President Keller. 

On Saturday I received notice that the church would pay for the plane ticket to Africa.  The love that the Savior has for his children and the resources of the church are just amazing.  Innocent will be leaving on Monday April 4th and arriving in Rwanda on April 6th.  Both the Bishop and the Stake President felt that there was a reason for Innocent finding the church and excepting the gospel in America.  They felt he would be a great asset to the small branch in Rwanda.

At church Sunday Innocent looked so happy and relieved.  He and his family will be reunited very shortly.  Barbara and I will be taking Innocent out to dinner this Wednesday evening and then his home teacher and I will be giving him a Priesthood Blessing.

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