Thursday, January 14, 2016

Special Experience

As frustrating as a Church Service Missionary can be in the Inner-City Mission there are wonderful experiences that keep us coming back.

Innocent, our African Refugee, has been a member of the church for only a few months and has received a Limited-use Temple Recommend.  We took him to the Salt Lake Temple last night for our weekly FHE activity to perform baptisms for family names on Barbara's side of the family.  I was able to baptize him and Barbara as well as perform the confirmations.  I was also baptized for 3 family members on the Romney side.  Imagine that, we still have some family members who have not received their saving ordinances.  What a special experience that was to be in the temple with Innocent.

We are finding that many things we take for granted as life-time members of the church are new and overwhelming at times for new converts.  For example, when Innocent received his Limited-use Recommend and went with the ward previously, in preparation to go last night, I asked to make sure he brings his recommend.  He said he could not find it and seemed to act as if he needed a new one for each time he goes.  So we scrambled on Tuesday night to get him and the Bishop together to received a new one.  He did not fully understand that it is good for a year and can be reused.  We feel he simply threw it away.  He now understands he needs to keep it and should have it on his possession at all times.  What we have learned and know due to a life-time of membership and teaching from parents, teachers, and leaders Innocent is just beginning to try to understand from an adults perspective.  So many questions and we feel honored and blessed to have the opportunity to help answer them. 

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