Friday, January 15, 2016

Trials in Life

We know that trials make us better and are a part of this mortal existence.

Two of our families are experiencing trials that are testing their faith.

Alicia just told us that Ivan contracted head lice from the day care he goes to.  They had to shave his heads in order to treat it.  What makes it more challenging is that Ivan sleeps with Alicia and she came down with them.  She obviously does not want to cut her hair off so she is trying to treat the lice.  What a process!  She also has had to wash all their bedding and clothes, etc.  Alicia seems to just go from one challenge to another.  If you will remember she was evicted from your previous apartment due to bed bugs and now head lice.  So far no bed bugs in her new place.

Innocent has told us to pray for his family in Africa.  He has been trying to send them money each month to keep is children in school.  If they are not in school then the threat of the military and other social influences face them.  Because Innocent has not been work steadily he has not been able to send money and therefore his children are not able to go to school.  Public schools in Africa carry a fee.  He is concerned that his children will become subject to social influences of drugs, gangs, etc. because they are not focused on schooling and the controlled environment that brings.

Please prayer for both Alicia and Innocent!  They need our support.  Both have fragile testimonies and need the spirit to comfort them.

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